Tuesday, October 11, 2011

IRP (Independent Research Project)

We've talked about the independent research project and you've already had a chance to explore one area of interest in the form of selecting a non-fiction book. Please comment on your topic selection for the IRP and include comments on the following points:

1. What is your topic?
2. Why did you choose this topic?
3. What do you already know about this topic?
4. What ideas do you have regarding the presentation of this topic?
5. How is the book you chose going to help you research this topic? 
6. What kind of preparation do you feel you need to help you with preparing for your presentation?

Please read and comment on at least two of your classmates' Blog posts today! Your comments must be reflective - show that you have read and thought about their posts and comment constructively.


  1. 1. My topic is the band, Alexisonfire.

    2. I chose this topic because Alexisonfire is one of my favorite bands.

    3. I already know that the band has broken up, and that they were a post hardcore band.


    5. I feel that I will need to read up on the history of this band much more in order to write about them.

  2. 1. What is your topic?

    2. Why did you choose this topic?
    I feel that I have some general knowledge about computers.

    3. What do you already know about this topic?
    I know how to use them, and how to take care of them. I want to find out how they are manufactured, and some other uses of computers.

    4. What ideas do you have regarding the presentation of this topic?
    I have some idea of the designing of the computer, but I have no clue what they use to make it work.

    5. What kind of preparation do you feel you need to help you with preparing for your presentation?
    I think I will need to research a lot to find out how the computer is made, as well as the many other uses it may have.

  3. 1: My topic is internet memes.
    2: I chose the topic because of how I enjoy using memes.
    3: I know where some memes originated, how they're used, where they're from, etc.
    4: I don't understand the question...
    5: Researching KnowYourMeme.com, viewing old shows, games, etc.

  4. 1. What is your topic? Snowboarding
    2. Why did you choose this topic? because i love to snowboard
    3. What do you already know about this topic? alot
    4. What ideas do you have regarding the presentation of this topic? maybe a video on it
    5. What kind of preparation do you feel you need to help you with preparing for your presentation? i dont know but i do know i dont want to talk infront of the class

  5. 1. What is your topic?
    I'm doing a project on the Casey Anthony Trial.

    2. Why did you choose this topic?
    I have been following the case ever since it was released to the public. Its a tragedy, yet I find it interesting.

    3. What do you already know about this topic?
    I know the basic story. I'm going to be finding out the case details as well as child abuse statistics in America (where the felony took place) and in Canada (where we live :P)

    4. What ideas do you have regarding the presentation of this topic?
    I plan to find some trial videos and news broadcasts of the trial and conviction.

    5. What kind of preparation do you feel you need to help you with preparing for your presentation
    I don't feel that I'm going to need a lot of preparation other then looking into the details of the case.

  6. 1. The topic of my IRP is Sharks.

    2. I chose this topic because i am fascinated with sharks and would like to know more about them.

    3. I know a lot about the general behaviours and statistics of some shark species.

    4. I would like to include videos, statistics, and information involving endangered species of sharks, possibly shark finning, and how humans affect shark populations around the world.

    5. I would need to do research on endangered species and near-endangered species of sharks.
