Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Coffee Write

The power of observation is only as good as the words you have to express what it is you see. Please transcribe your "coffee write" to your blog. Be sure to compose using Word and to spell and grammar check before uploading the file. You might want to have a peer read your work to ensure that it is both well written and engaging.

I stepped tentatively into the cafe, where the young woman was settled on a chair by the wall. Her gaze swept across the room to the door where I had just entered...

1 comment:

  1. The Novel Reader
    Emily Martens

    The middle aged lady with the pink glasses, blue jeans and white sweater was reading her book. Her curly brown hair was tied back in a messy pony tail. She did not even look up when some one sat in front of her. She flipped the pages excitedly in suspense of what was going to happen next. Every word that came to her eyes was magnified by her pink glasses. She showed no emotion in her face but her eyes went back and forth left to right reading the words. She went to flick strands of untied hair from her face, when I saw that she was missing a finger. She must have had an eventful day like a cop on his grave yard shift. She wants to relax but can’t because of her eventful book. She is too intrigued about her novel. She pulled out a subway sandwich; it looked delicious with tomatoes, lettuce, bacon, teriyaki chicken with ranch dressing. She then went to the library table and began to eat it. Still reading her book some of the lettuce with ranch sauce fall on her book she wiped it off like a janitor mopping the school floors. She is being careful not to make a mess with her sandwich, taking every bite with caution. She knows that she isn’t allowed food in the library so she is eating it sneakily so the librarians don’t see her, like a man with a mask trying not to be seen while scaring kids on Halloween night. She had been there for about an hour when she decided put her book mark in her book and start packing up. She must have been there to long because she was packing up her stuff like a robber packing up money from a bank robbery. She must have had something to do very soon, she ran out of the library like someone running from a dangerous animal.
