Monday, December 12, 2011

Novel Study: The Kite Runner?

In this day and age of globalization, is there merit in reading and studying the novel, The Kite Runner? In a paragraph, please justify your response with reasons for why you think this novel is or is not an appropriate novel for grade 11 students. Key words to consider: the novel's title, and author, Afghanistan, globalization, developing nations, manufacturing, trade, Canadian students.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini: Amir betrays his friend and servant two times. Once he fails to save Hassan from Assef's brutal assault, and then he frames Hassan by placing a watch and money under Hassan's mattress in the servants' shack where Hassan lives with his father Ali. Explain why one of the betrayals is a greater betrayal of Hassan.