Monday, January 16, 2012

She drew a circle that shut me out...

Poetry is the expression of the soul, whimsy, and most often wit. ! Write a poem of rhyming couplets on a theme of your own choice. Your poem may be a simple 4 line stanza or it may be longer, but be sure you consider scansion as well as rhyme scheme. If you feel prolific, atttempt several stanzas.

She drew a circle that shut me out,
Heretic, rebel, thing to flout,
But love and I had the wit to win,
We drew a circle that took her in.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I resolve to...

Sometimes, setting yourself up for success means setting goals. New Year's resolutions are goals that people set up at the beginning of each New Year to get themselves on track. Possibly because the New Year is a time of new beginnings - the days are getting longer, spring is on the way - people choose this time to evaluate their lives, and their priorities. Take a few moments to evaluate your life and the kinds of things that you would like to see yourself accomplishing in the coming year. Write a paragraph that explores some of the resolutions that you will make and try to keep. Remeber to focus on the areas of your life that are pertinent to you at this time in your life - education, occupation, relation, emancipation - and reflect on how you might enhance your life by setting some goals!